1. By the way,where can I get the best exchange rate for American dollars.
    对了, 我在哪里可以获得最好的美元汇率?

2. By announcing this, it joined more than 300 other U.S. companies that had admitted to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that they had made payments of one kind or another — bribes, extra discounts, etc. — in recent years.

3. Will you please tie a rope in a firm knot?

4. When he was alone, he telephoned the hospital exchange and asked for Doctor Millington.

5. While I had met Roosevelt at large diplomatic receptions in Washington, my contact had been limited to a brief handshake and an exchange of a few words.

6. The sunlight has faded my tie.

7. That candy store uses fancy tape to tie all packages.

8. The Zoo is at the bus terminal. You Can´t miss it.

9. That candy store uses fancy tape to tie all packages.

10. Tie a heavy weight at the end of a long piece of string.